King Harald Finehair brought
all of Norway under his influence in the later half of the 9th century and
continued to rule over Norway until his death around the year 940. His
successors are often labeled as the Finehair Dynasty, but Harald supposedly
claimed lineage from an even more ancient line royal line, which was said to
link all the way back to the Norse gods.
According to Scandinavian
tradition, Harald Finehair was a member of the Yngling Dynasty. The Icelandic
scholar, Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241), wrote an
account of this peculiar family in his Yngling
Saga. He began with pure myth and gradually moved through legend,
semi-legend, and finally folklore-laden history to reach the more factually-grounded
time of Harald Finehair. According to legend, the first two members of the
family were gods and, if calculations are correct, Harald Finehair was
supposedly the thirty-fifth ruling member of the Yngling Dynasty. Yet, despite
the supposedly divine origin of their family, the Ynglings were very, very
unlucky—according to the saga, twenty-five of Harald’s thirty-four predecessors
died violent, accidental, or simply unnatural deaths.
The Yngling Saga begins with an interesting theory that suggests Odin
and the Norse gods migrated from a location near the Black Sea and eventually
traveled across Europe to ultimately settle Sweden, where Odin founded a
kingdom. After a long reign, Odin handed the control of his kingdom over to
another god from outside his family. The successor’s name was Njord and he was
technically the founder of the Yngling Dynasty. The dynasty, however, was
actually named after Njord’s son and successor, Frey, a popular god who
apparently also went by the name Yngvi, hence the family name of Yngling. In
the saga, the reigns of Njord and Frey were portrayed as golden ages of
prosperity, as would be expected from gods. The personal luck of these two
god-kings were said to have been very positive during their time as rulers over
a Swedish kingdom and their aura of good fortune spread over the entire kingdom
during their reigns. Of course, Frey was prophesied in the Norse religion to eventually
fall during the apocalyptic battle of Ragnarok, but that did not stop his
mythical days as a monarch from being considered the epitome of good fortune.
After the reign of Frey,
however, the Yngling Dynasty suffered an unbelievable fall from grace. Here are
the bizarre fates of the Yngling Dynasty members, beginning with Frey’s son and
ending with Harald Finehair’s father, Hálfdan the Black. Enjoy the stories, but
keep in mind that the Yngling Dynasty is considered mythical or extremely
legendary, with Harald Finehair, and to a lesser extent, Hálfdan the Black,
being the only members of the dynasty generally accepted as historical figures.